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Saturday, January 24, 2009


You are first a child, then grow old and drop the body, but you never die and never were born. In the East, Vedantists believe in reincarnation, in innumerable births and deaths, until one attains Godhood. The Muslims believe in one birth only and one death only. The Christians and the Zoroastrians the same. All are right. But Jesus, Buddha, Muhammad, Zoroaster all meant what I mean by real birth and real death. I say you are born once and die once.

All the so-called births and deaths are only sleeps and wakings. The difference between sleep and death is that when you sleep you awake and find yourself in the same body; but after death you awake in a different body. You never die. Only the blessed ones die and become one with God.

.Meher.Baba, As Only God Can Love by Darwin Shaw
(periods in front of ".Meher.Baba" to prevent Babel Fish from translating it)

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